Volunteering at PBC
At Parramatta Baptist Chuch we are committed to providing a safe environment for children and vulnerable people. Consequently, if you are applying to work with us either as a volunteer or staff, there are a number of requirements that must be met. This page outlines these requirements and provides links to forms and additional information.
Forms to complete (everyone)
In order to be a volunteer or staff member at PBC, we require the completion of our ‘PBC Code of Conduct’, ‘Referees’ & ‘PBC screening form’. You can complete both of these forms online via the links below, otherwise email operations@parramattabaptist.com and request a PDF version.

PBC Code of conduct
We have three levels of CoC:
- Classification 1a: Pastoral staff and other staff in leadership, child related or vulnerable person related roles
- Classification 1b and 2a: All other staff; OR volunteers in leadership, child related or vulnerable person related roles
- Classification 2b and 3: All other volunteers; OR supervised volunteers under 18 years old
Additional Forms (Classifications 1a and 2a)
For roles that minister to Children, it is a requirement to also complete Creating Safe Spaces training and have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC). You can book/apply for both of these online via the links below.

Creating Safe Spaces training
We are committed to creating a safe and inclusive ministries at PBC. As such, we require all volunteers in ministries with children or vulnerable people to complete Creating Safe Spaces (CSS) training. Please contact Valdi Gravitis if you are unsure whether to complete this training. This training covers the legal responsibilities, WHS, risk management & strategies to address protection of young and vulnerable people. This training is conducted in 2 stages:
- Online training modules (required prior to being appointed as a leader)
- In person workshop

Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Any Adults who work or volunteer in ministries to Children (Role Classification 1a and 2a) are required to hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) and have it verified by PBC prior to being able to serve. A WWCC is valid for 5 years, and is free for Volunteers. Please contact Valdi Gravitis if you are unsure whether you require a WWCC. Once you have obtained your WWCC, please provide it to Valdi Gravitis for verification.
Additional information
Here is additional information that relates to volunteering at PBC. If you have any questions about these documents, please contact Valdi Gravitis.
Got Questions?
If so, please contact Valdi Gravitis via this form or directly to:
(02) 9630 3515

Sunday Services
8:45am, 10:45am & 5:30pm
Northmead Address
84-94 Kleins Road, Northmead NSW 2152 Australia
02 9630 3515