Sunday 15th August 2021


Welcome to Kids Church and we are really glad you are joining in with us.


Sock Toss

Need:  Bucket, rolled up socks.

8 pieces paper, with word GOD, TRUST, FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, HOPELESSNESS, HATE, UNBELIEF on them.

Bucket has God written on it, then place the other words a step away from bucket.
Stand on TRUST and throw socks into bucket, then step back to FAITH and again throw socks into bucket. Then step back again to HOPE and throw socks into bucket and then step back again to LOVE and throw socks into bucket.  HOPLESSNESS and again throw socks into bucket. Then step back again to HATE and throw socks into bucket and then step back again to UNBELIEF and try to throw socks into bucket.

The further we get away from GOD the hard it is to get the ball/sock into the bucket and the harder it is to keep our Trust, Faith, Hope in God and love for others.



Today we added to our board. You may like to just colour this page and do the maze or you can do these other craft ideas.


Some of you told us you found this helpful to let go of the worries you are carrying and receive what God has for you. Maybe continue to use this as a family.

  • Close your eyes and be still. Close your hands in tight fists- tell God how you are feeling and what is worrying you.

  • As you slowly release your hands ask God to help and take these things that are worrying you.

  • When your hands are open like you are receiving a gift, thank God for loving and caring for us. Ask him for gifts of peace and joy. Sit quietly with God and see what He reminds you of.



Here is a great song we have done before. Can you remember the actions?

It’s a great reminder that we can run to Jesus whatever we are going through.

Jesus Strong and Kind

Memory verse – Romans 8:28

Let’s learn it by doing this rap

You might want to practise. Send us a video!


We love to see what you kids have been doing …get mum and dad to post in our FB group or you can email me. Email me mum or dad if you aren’t in our FB group and would like to be.