Sunday 10th October 2021


Welcome back to Kids Church for Term 4.


We begin today looking into the Psalms. We will look at the emotions or feelings of those that wrote these psalms but also be reminded of the images or pictures of God that they drew strength from. We know this term holds some uncertain things as we step back into school and normal activities but our prayer is  that we can be reminded we can stay strong in our God who never changes and is there for us.


There is a Fortress craft  I have emailed to your parents.

Either print it on card or back your paper on card before cutting it out. Use this craft as a reminder this week that you can be strong as God is your Rock, your Fortress and your Deliverer!

Ab’s with Abby Challenge

Build a Fort using a sheet or blanket.

When you have built your fort, get everyone in and PRAY to God – thank him for being your rock, your fortress and ask for help with your fear to not let it beat you but that God would help you stand firm.

When you have built your fort and prayed then print off your puzzle board: KC Puzzle framework. You may want to back this on a sheet of cardboard.

Today’s puzzle piece for completing the challenge is here (there is also one with 3 copies on a page for those who need it):

KC Puzzle Piece week 1

KC Puzzle Piece (triple) week 1

Don’t forget to post a picture of your Fortress!


Our memory verse is Psalm 18:2. Here is the song we did to remind us that God is there for us.


We love to see what you kids have been doing …get mum and dad to post in our FB group or you can email me. Email me mum or dad if you aren’t in our FB group and would like to be.