Sunday 17th October 2021
Welcome to Kids Church!
This term we are looking into the Psalms. We will look at the emotions or feelings of those that wrote these psalms but also be reminded of the images or pictures of God that they drew strength from. We know this term holds some uncertain things as we step back into school and normal activities but our prayer is that we can be reminded we can stay strong in our God who never changes and is there for us.
- As a family talk about how you are feeling. Are there times you have felt lonely ,down or empty?
- In this Psalm the person tells God how he was feeling. Write a prayer to God telling Him how you are feeling or just tell Him by talking to Him.
- It is good to remember how good God has been in the past. As a family spend some time remembering how good God has been, some things you are thankful for, ways God has provided for you especially during lockdown.
- Are there some things you sometimes use to fill you up or make you feel better when you are sad or down rather than coming and spending time with God and telling him how you feel?
Lynn forgot to pray on today’s episode she was so excited about getting to Abs with Abby. Can you pray as a family, thanking God for being our Rock and asking him to look to Him to fill us when we feel lonely or empty.
Here is the great colouring page for you to do (KC 211017 fill me up Lord) that reminds us that God can fill us up when we feel empty, sad, lonely or down.
You might like to decorate a rock to remind you God Is your rock! He is strong, can be relied on and is always there for you! (There are some rocks on the verandah of church offices if you need one!)
Ab’s with Abby Challenge
This week my challenge is the Feely Bag game!
The purpose of this challenge is to strengthen you sense of touch. So what you need to do is a grab a bag that you can’t see inside, as well as a collection of safe objects from around your house.
Choose an object and hide it in the bag, then challenge a family member to guess the object just by feeling.
Remember to take turns with your family. Good luck with the challenge, and when completed print out your next puzzle piece here (or here if you want 3 copies).
Our memory verse is Psalm 18:2. Here is the song we did to remind us that God is there for us.
We love to see what you kids have been doing …get mum and dad to post in our FB group or you can email me. Email me mum or dad if you aren’t in our FB group and would like to be.