Sunday 5th December 2021


Welcome to Kids Church!


Welcome to the last Psalm of our series on ‘Standing Strong in God’. This week we will explore the image of God as a light in the dark to finish of our collection of word pictures. We hope this series has encouraged you to stand strong in God through all your different feelings.


This is a simple lantern to remind us that God is our light in the dark. Click on the link below for the instructions and the template.

Lantern template

Week 9 craft instructions 


Have you completed all the challenges this term? Then print out your final puzzle piece and bring it in for your prize next week at Kids Church!

KC Puzzle Piece week 9

KC Puzzle Piece (triple) week 9

Remember we have a safe place in God! What other safety items could you collect in your house?

Here’s Abby’s collection of things that help keep her safe.





We love to see what you kids have been doing …get mum and dad to post in our FB group or you can email me. Email me mum or dad if you aren’t in our FB group and would like to be.