Welcome to Kids Church
Background music used in above video sourced from: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
“Where is the lamb?” Play this version of “hot and cold.” Select one child to be It. They should close her eyes while you hide a toy sheep somewhere in the room, while the rest of the group watches. She opens her eyes, and you ask, “Where is the lamb?” She searches for the toy sheep while the rest of the group gives verbal clues. If she is not at all close to the sheep, the group shouts out, “Cold!” As she gets closer to the sheep, the group says, “Getting warmer!” When she is very close to the sheep, the group says “Hot!” Once she finds the sheep, play again with another child as It.
As a family talk over these questions
- Who was Abraham’s son?
- What did God ask Abraham to do that was hard? Why did God ask that of Abraham?
- How do you think Abraham felt when God asked him to do this? How do you think Isaac felt?
- True or False: We can trust God even if we don’t understand what he’s doing?
- What do you know about God that makes it easier to trust Him?
- When do you have a hard time trusting God?
- Pray praising/thanking God for who He is and asking for help to trust him
- Have a go as a family writing a psalm reminding yourselves how we can trust God. Below is a template for you. When I did it my first lines read:
”God you are so wise and know what I need
In You I put my trust!
A psalm of trust to write – Document Download
Memory verse challenge
Genesis 22:14
Memory verse poster – Document download
Proverbs 3:5,6
Memory verse poster – Document download (page 2)
Here are some ideas https://paththroughthenarrowgate.com/12-bible-memory-verse-bible-games/
Abraham colouring in – Document download
Abraham craft – Document download
Be creative…think of ways to do something about the verses, the bible story, about trusting in God or with our song –Our Hope is in the LORD. Some creative ideas done by some last week were using Lego or writing out the verse using plastic letters. I made book for my verses out of a cereal box What can you do?