
PBC Kids!

Kid’s Church Online

Sound Effects: ‘Cock Crowing’ by SPANAC.  https://www.freesoundslibrary.com/cock-crowing/

Music Used: ‘Punky’ by Benjamin Tissot. https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/punky


Welcome to Kids Church

We start off a new series today as we follow Jesus’ footsteps as He meets different characters in the Bible. We want to learn to Live and Love like Jesus.


Follow that leader

Take turns being a “leader” and finding hard things for the followers to do. One person stands at the front and all the others must follow (Ex. would be to stand on one foot, twirl in a circle, climb under a bench, etc.)




  • A Lego challenge– we are looking to fill the frame on our board with a great Lego creation for Simon the Fisherman who met Jesus. Take a picture of your creation and send it in. Winner shown over the next few weeks!

  • I sent mum or dad an email with a Following in His Steps page to colour and use as a reminder
  • Here is an activity page for 3-5 year olds
  • Here is an activity page for 5-7 year olds
  • Here is an activity page for 8-10 year olds


• John 3:16- Do the rap!


As a family pray for those people you want to share the good news of Jesus with.