Sunday 21st February 2021

Welcome to Kids Church 2021!

Calling all Kids Church Special Agents to tune in to …

Mission Unstoppable!

Mission Challenge!

Change into an outfit or uniform that shows you belong to a particular group or team of people in our world OR Create the outfit and equipment out of newspaper.

Can you talk to this group of people about the Risen King Jesus?

Post a photo of you in this outfit on our FB page or send one in to Mission Unstoppable HQ.

Mission Message!

Commit to memory our Bible verse Acts 2:38

Mission Logbook!

Here are some pages you might like to choose from and you can add them to your Log book.

Activity Sheet for Ages 3-5

Activity Sheet for Younger Primary

Activity Sheet for Older Primary

    Mission Prayer!

    As you get into your group uniforms or outfits this week, pray for the Holy Spirit to help you share the message of Jesus with the groups you join.

    Continue to pray for the people you have drawn in your logbook to know Jesus.

    We are praying for

    More Mission!

    Use this skittles activity to help you pray for the Holy Spirit to change your heart to share Jesus with those who don’t know Him.