Who we are

We are a community who are learning to live and love like Jesus. A diverse and united people, where each can find their place to belong, to grow and to serve together. Whether you are looking to explore the Christian faith, or to find a new faith community, you are welcome to join with us.


Sunday GatheringsOur team & Vision


8.45am, 10.45am & 5.30pm

84-94 Kleins Rd Northmead NSW 2152

Everyone is welcome to join us. Central to our time together is the desire to meaningfully connect with each other and with God. We spend time expressing our faith together through times of worship and invest time hearing from God’s Word that we might put it into practice. We also value the chance to share stories of how God has been moving in our lives, spend time in prayer together and regularly celebrate deeply meaningful practices like The Lords Supper and Baptism.

We do not view our gatherings as an event to attend, but as a vital and life-giving expression of our individual and communal faith. We invite you to come and experience them for yourself.

What to expect when you join us

Who can come to Church?
Everyone is welcome at our services whether you are sceptical or curious about faith, a new Christian or a long time follower of Jesus.

Who comes to PBC?
One thing we love about our church is the broad range of ages and life stages from our children’s ministry to young families, young adults, empty nesters and retirees with a mix of people married and single. We come from different backgrounds and cultures. No matter where you are in life, you will be able to find friends within your life stage. More important than that though, you will be blessed by the fact we are like a big diverse family all celebrating Jesus together.

How long are services?
We aim to keep our services around 75 minutes but we encourage anyone coming to plan on hanging around for an extra bit after the service so we get to meet you and you get a chance to meet us.

What should I bring?
Just bring yourself and any friends or family. We put the words of the Bible on the projector screen so that everyone can follow along, but you are welcome to bring your own Bible if you have one. If you don’t own a Bible and would like one, let us know as we would love to give you one to keep.

What should I wear?
There is no dress code and most people wear casual clothes to any program or service, so feel free to wear whatever you are comfortable in.

Kids & Youth

8.45am & 10.45am gatherings

At PBC we recognise the gift that our children are to our community so we find joy in welcoming all people of all ages to gather and worship with us.

After the initial time of gathered worship in our 8.45am & 10.45am services, we invite our kids and youth to join us in the following gatherings that are tailored for their spiritual growth and nurturing.

Toddlers (0-3 years old): LiveWires (in the Child Care Centre)
Pre-school (3-5 years old): Precious pebbles
Junior Primary (grades K-3): Kid’s church
Upper Primary (grades 4-6): Sunday Upper Primary (SUP)
Junior youth (grades 7-9): Sunday Morning Youth Group (SMYGs)

For more details on the above gatherings or to learn more about our kids and youth programs, please click below.

New Here

Vision & Team

At PBC we have a clear sense of who we are called to be as a church family. Our leadership team and church vision help bring clarity to our common calling, and together we all work as a community to live this out with God’s help.

Our Vision is to be…

A community of people
led by God’s Spirit
each joining with Jesus
to see lives transformed.

Our Values

Our values are part of what makes us, us. They are the non-negotiable characteristics of the way we live out and pursue our vision:


We continually seek God, relying on Him and praying with faith for God to lead and empower His church and our individual lives each day.


We will see people as God sees them, made in His image, yet still a “work in progress”. Refraining from judging others we will seek to disciple, encourage and pray for God’s transforming work in our own and other’s lives: spiritually, emotionally, relationally and physically.


We will seek to be generous and sacrificial with our time, resources and abilities as we give priority to the things that God is doing locally and globally.


We will live our lives in gratitude to Jesus for all He is and has done. So we will worship enthusiastically, sharing stories of His activity in our lives, celebrating and finding reason for laughter, joy and expressions of creativity.


We care for one another deeply and consistently, welcoming all people regardless of age or background and celebrating the unique contribution that each one makes to our community life.

Our Leadership

We see every believer as gifted, called and equipped by God to make a difference with their lives. Within our church there are many who use their gifts, influence or position to lead others. We also recognise and set apart some to more formal leadership roles within our community. Each are individually committed to following Jesus and serving the church together, and seek to do so with love, faithfulness, humility and servanthood.

Our Pastoral Team

Kathy Bates

Kathy Bates

Pastoral Team Leader
(oversight of prayer, missions & women’s ministry)

Steve Bates

Steve Bates

Pastoral Team Leader
(oversight of small groups, pastoral care & men’s ministry)

Ben Wilson

Ben Wilson

Associate Pastor
(oversight of youth, young adults & worship)

Mireille Kean

Mireille Kean

Children’s Pastor

Reuben Png

Reuben Png

Student Pastor
(oversight of AM services)

Jo Sterland

Jo Sterland

Ministry Assistant

Valdi Gravitis

Valdi Gravitis

Operations Manager

Simon Lee

Simon Lee

Park Ministry Co-ordinator

Adrian Green

Adrian Green

Digital tech Co-ordinator

Talia Gravtis

Talia Gravtis

Children’s & youth ministry assistant

Our Diaconate

Shayne Evans

Shayne Evans


Ian Bourne

Ian Bourne


Grace Ragnarsson

Grace Ragnarsson


David Rudd


Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson


Mitchell Archer

Mitchell Archer


Kelsie Cant

Kelsie Cant


Sophie Pocknall

Sophie Pocknall


Emily Adams

Emily Adams


Our safe church commitment

At Parramatta Baptist Church (PBC) we are committed to partnering with parents and providing meaningful, welcoming and fun experiences in high quality, safe environments.

We want to ensure that when anyone (including children, young people and vulnerable adults) interacts with the ministries and activities of PBC that they feel safe – physically, emotionally and spiritually. The NSW Government has ten Child Safe Standards for organisations with respect to children and young people and we are committed to implementing these standards continuously in our community.

Every adult working with children or youth holds a valid Working with Children Check. We use strict screening procedures. We have a process for anyone (including children and young people) to be able to report any concerns they may have, in a timely and appropriate manner, including reporting concerns to the relevant authorities.

We train our leaders and volunteers to understand their responsibilities, to ensure that PBC is a safe place.

If you have any concerns regarding the safety of a child or young person at PBC, or any other concerns about safety, please inform Pastor Kathy Bates or one of our other Safe Church team members: Ingrid, Paul, Cathy, Jonathan or Valdi.

Who are we

Sunday Gatherings

Our Vision & Team

Our safe church commitment

Next Steps

Explore Christianity


Serve with us




Young adults


Meeting real needs

Mission & Justice

Church Online

Join us online

Past services



Upcoming events

Follow Us


Reach out to our pastoral team through this contact form or using the information below.

Email: Admin@parramattabaptist.com

Phone: (02) 9630 3515

Address: 84-94 Kleins Rd Northmead NSW 2152

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