Welcome to Kids Church
Background music used in above video sourced from: http://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music
We hope you enjoyed the story of Elijah
Today’s game: Have a Contest
Draw a line across the room with a piece of wool or string or use the hose in the backyard. Have half of you on one side and half on the other. Have a number of scrunched up balls of paper or you could use soft toys or balloons. Start with an even amount on each side. Put a timer on for a short time and on go you must try and get all the things to your opponent’s side and none on yours. The winning side is who has less when the timer goes off. Now try it with one person on one side and everyone else on the other! When everyone has had a chance to play talk about the contest.
Ask the child who played alone how they felt going up against more people. Discuss how the teams with more people had a much better chance of winning than the teams with only one member.
Talk as a family over the following
- If you could spend some time with Elijah, what would you ask Him?
- Have you ever felt alone and under attack? What did you do?
- Where do you need to be bold and have courage?
- Pray as a family for each other. You may want to use the prayer template from last week
Memory verse challenge
- Challenge someone to a game of Build it Up Memory Verse for Deuteronomy 10:17. Here are the words to put on blocks or anything really.(Document download)
- Here is Deuteronomy 10:17 but you need to decorate the page. Perhaps put in pictures and words that remind you how powerful, strong and trustworthy God is (Document Download).
- Make Remember Who is on our Side craft like this

- You will need to print off the words for Deut 10:17 above as well as this template.
- You can use orange, red and blue cellophane or tissue paper.
- Make a reminder rock like this …The Lord is God! Or God is on my side!. Keep it in your pocket so you won’t forget!