Sound Effects: ‘Cock Crowing’ by SPANAC.
Music Used: ‘Punky’ by Benjamin Tissot.
Welcome to Kids Church
This term we are going to be looking at Growing to be more like Jesus.
Torch scavenger hunt
MATERIALS: a torch/flashlight for each child, 10 small items to hide (such as ooshies or little toys)
PREPARATION: Parents hide the items in a dark room (making sure the items will be visible when a flashlight is shined on them).
WHAT YOU WILL DO: Tell the children they will find items in a dark room with their flashlights. Then pass out the flashlights and allow them to search for the items.
- Use the questions in the video to discuss shining for Jesus. It would be good to pray about people you are wanting to shine Jesus to.
- Add your little guy to your chart.
- A Sun Catcher Cd Mobile– stick two old CDs together add some sparkly string to hang it with. The bit Shine for Jesus to cut and stick in the middle is on the Chart page above. Add some sparkly things like Jewels. Hang it somewhere where the sun catches it and it reminds you to shine for Jesus.
- Paper Bag Lantern– Get a flat bottomed paper bag and cut some little bits out or use a hole punch. Write on it about Shining for Jesus and then display with a lamp or torch inside.
- Colouring In…here is a choice of 2:
- We have a new verse Ephesians 5:1 and 2. Today we have the first bit.
Be imitators of God as dearly loved children…
Can YOU make up signs or actions to help us learn this and video them and send them in?
This is the song Lara taught us
Here is a song about the Beatitudes you might like to listen and sing along with.
This version has beginner actions.
While this version has advanced actions.