
PBC Kids!

Kid’s Church Online

Sound Effects: ‘Cock Crowing’ by SPANAC.  https://www.freesoundslibrary.com/cock-crowing/

Music Used: ‘Punky’ by Benjamin Tissot. https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/punky

Welcome to Kids Church


Battle for Forgiveness

What do you need:

– a large pile of newspapers (any scrap paper to make balls) and something to hit with like a paper towel empty roll or you can just use your hand.
– a rubbish bin
– sticky tape

What do you do:

Divide the children into two groups  and put a rubbish bin in the middle of the room.

The team with the bats is going to lie on the floor round the rubbish bin with their heads closest to the bin.

The other team stands in a circle a distance away from the rubbish bin and tries to throw as many ‘balls’ as possible into the bin. The team lying on the floor with the bats tries to hit as many balls away as possible. After the team has thrown all the balls, count how many landed in the bin, and swap teams.



A Lego challenge– we are looking to fill the frame on our board with a great Lego creation for Jesus and the man from the cross. Take a picture of your creation and send it in. Winner shown over the next few weeks!

Colouring in page about Forgiveness: https://sundayschoolzone.com/activity/jesus-teaches-me-to-forgive-coloring-page/view/

  • Activity Page for all ages here
  • Activity Page for k-2 here
  • Activity page for 2-4 here


Mark 10:14


As a family pray for those people you want to share the good news of Jesus with.