We’re Ba-ack!
Start up Activity: Discuss PP’s creation.
- What is it?
- What did you make it with?
- Did it take you a long time?
- Was it fun to make?
- Did you make it for someone?
You may like to share something you made with PP as well.
Learn the actions to ‘A Very Very Big God’ with Emily.
Are you ready to hear the song? You can try to add the actions!
Warning: Parents, this video features BIG things like big cats and bugs but also a realistic silhouette
of Jesus on the cross at (0:18). Please preview it to decide if it is acceptable for your child.
Craft: Make your own Garden of Eden!
Will it be miniature? As big as your loungeroom? Or somewhere in-between?
Will it be made out of toys? Things from the recycling bin? Or playdough?
You could draw, paint or stamp a garden backdrop and add figurines OR
Create a garden in your garden with rocks, cuttings and some cardboard people and animals on skewers!
And all the while you will have a great opportunity to be talking about God and His Garden and singing our two new songs: “Who made the … God did, God did” and “A Very Very Big God”.
Next week: Adam and Eve will hear from the ‘Sneaky Snake’…