Hi Precious Pebbles, remember God’s promises to Abraham? Today we will see how God kept Promise #1 and Promise #2! But before you read the story, how about some songs?
Let’s do our new songs again: God’s in Charge of the Weather (Emu music) and Promises, Promises (Emu Music)
Learn the actions with Caitlin and Emily!
See the Videos and hear the songs here:
- God’s in Charge of the Weather https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJMYdMNqG7g
- Promises, Promises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2HtnQY9Uuw
Dear God, You always keep your promises to us. Thank you for giving Abraham lots and lots of land and lots and lots of animals. Thank you for taking care of us too. Amen
A great opportunity to chat and craft with your child to see what they have learnt about God.
Divide a page in half. One side for Lot and one side for Abraham.
Lot and his Grassy Land
Green finger / sponge paint / grass and leaves from the garden
Abraham and his Dry and Dusty Land
Brown finger / sponge paint / dirt from the garden,
Lots and lots of animals
Newspaper sheep / cotton wool sheep / sponge painting sheep etc.